

Dr.Rmachandra Prahlad Parnerkar Maharaj (INFORMATION)

  gives us immense pleasure to start this category “Philosophy” and the first post in it. Philosophy, a never so easy term for most of us, what it exactly means? is it related to GOD only! ? well well, people to pull you out of all this confusion and guide each one of us towards correct path and to teach the correct meaning of word Life, here we are introducing a gem of Philosophy called “Poornawad”.
Term “Poornawad” was coined by Vidvatratna Dr. Rmachandra Prahlad Parnerkar Maharaj. We will initially start our series of articles by introducing Vidvatratna Dr. Ramchandra Prahlad Parnerkar Maharaj and move along to present you with his enlightenment of Lord Ganesha as his guru or in simpler words his actual, real meet with Lord Ganesh.
Come join us with this most sacred, heavenly and enlightening journey to the “Poornawad”.
Biograpgical information of Vidvatratna Dr. Rmachandra Prahlad Parnerkar Maharaj (also known as Param Pujaniya Bhau)
Name: Vidvatratna Dr. Ramchandra Prahlad Parnerkar Maharaj
Place of Birth: Indore (M.P.), India
Mother’s Name: Punyashlok Matoshri Yamunabai Prahlad Parnerkar
Fathers’ Name: Vedmurti Prahlad Guru Ganesh Guru Parnerkar (Dashagranthi)
Vedmurti is the person who has fortified all 4 vedas of Hindu dharma, More about Vedas
Hobbies in Childhood: Reading, Physical exercise, Sports, Meditation and Yogic sadhana (aka Ashata Siddhi yoga sadhana for Kundalini Awakening), More on Yogic sadhana
Religious Sadhana:
1) Started yogic sadhana with a two fold objective, one was to evolve himself and the other was to utilize the ‘Siddhi’ for the benefit of the social causes and to further his research in the field of ‘Cosmology. He also performed ‘Gayatri Purashcharan’
2) Thorough study of ‘Mantra Shastra’ - a part of ‘Atharvaveda’ - a highly developed science which deals with the acquisition of supernatural powers aka ‘Siddhi’ by practicing rigorous penance to utilize for social well being.
3) He followed the straight forward path of vedic rituals and meditations in his daily life which enables one to have a direct experience of the Divine Grace.
Nirgun Sakshatkar:
Evening walk was his favorite exercise - either alone or with someone to accompany him. This routine was uninterrupted. During one such evening walk, when he was at Polo Ground, Indore, he experienced everything coming to standstill. Suddenly, he had the splendid experience of the spiritual sound of the mantra, with which he was to be bestowed. With nobody around, the transcendental sound of ‘Om Gan Ganapataye Namah’ - Lord Ganeshas’ praise echoed through the environs. It was a supernatural experience creating electrifying vibrations throughout his body. Each and evary cell of his body was excited, his temples felt hot, eyes were contracted. He was dumbfound for a moment but only for that split second. The very next momnet everything looking normal to him. The miracle had happened or let us call it a grace of Lord Ganesha. The moment became immortal and the mental chanting of the mantra triggered at Pologround continued uninterruptedly with an unusual zeal. Such was his first Nirgun Sakshatkar (Vision of Nirguna), He was about to have his meet with Lord Ganesha.
In the second article of this series we will present to you all with Dr. Ramchandra Maharaj’s enlightenment of Lord Ganesha. 

1 comment:

  1. Poornawad name was badly famous in jalgaon due to , POORNAWAD credit co-operative society was not returning the money of depositor , many of us are old age ,have problem facing at every stage life . My kind Request to Dr. Parnerkar Maharaj please do the quick action to maintain name of POORNAWAD
    can POORNAWAD is help to old age depositor?
    pl take firm action
